Post by steveHi Mike,
Thanks for replying. I'm running 10.4.6
What I have been doing is when I want to make a short cut to the desktop, I
go File-Save Page As-then in the dialog box-To Desk top.
What happens is the who folder for the webpage (full of files) gets saved to
the desktop. I just want a shortcut that will open the web page I am
interested in.
Post by Mike RosenbergPost by steven garrettAm unable to create desktop shortcuts to web pages. Any thoughts on this.
Which Mac OS version are you running? What exactly happens when you
try? Do you get an icon that doesn't work? No icon at all? Any error
Post by steven garrettAlso, was wondering what the general consensus was about using Firefox with
a Mac vs. say Safari.
There's no consensus, it's strictly personal preference.
This site, while it mentions Safari, is also applicable to Firefox;jsessionid=aNV_07DegSi5e1MkGS?messageID=982519󯷷
A much more basic tutorial can be found here
They are called 'Aliases' on the Mac, not shortcuts (thats a windows
term). All you have been doing is saving the file, you havent been
making an alias (shortcut)